PGRs are making daily requests to to engage with our community’s highly reasonable and evidence-led requests. UKRI continue to demonstrate a callous lack of willingness here.
We are therefore calling all PGR’s to boycott ResearchFish this year.
ResearchFish is used by UKRI to monitor outputs, outcomes, and impact - your value to UKRI. In other academic years you are excepted to comply or risk disciplinary measures.
UKRI has stated that PGR submissions this year will be optional. There is no personal benefit in submitting and no punishment if you dont submit for 2021. Tell us if your PI/HEI put pressure on you to submit. We’ve got your back!
Nothing… and tell UKRI you’re doing nothing.
Submissions this year run from 1 Feb to 11 March. Ignore the emails and instead get in UKRI mentions on Twitter to say why you won’t be able to support them this year, and use the hashtag #BoycottResearchFish.
Spread the word and tell your colleagues to do the same. If UKRI want to benefit from our work then they should support us.